Sonexos Partners with EPFL to Advance Plasma-based Active Sound-Absorbing Technology

Cutting-edge innovation promises reduced noise and improved acoustics for vehicle cabins and interior spaces

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, 7 June 2023 – Sonexos, a Swiss-based international engineering company serving renowned brands across the automotive, aviation, consumer, and industrial sectors, announced today a strategic partnership with EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Signal Processing Laboratory LTS2 to develop groundbreaking plasma-based active sound-absorbing technology.

Traditional passive sound absorption methods rely on materials such as foam and fabric to dampen sound energy. While effective at higher frequencies, such materials add mass and consume valuable space. Conversely, active methods employ lightweight electronic systems to cancel or reduce sound, primarily targeting low frequencies.

By collaborating with EPFL, Sonexos aims to leverage the power of a novel, patented plasma-based method for active sound absorption. The revolutionary approach involves the production of a thin layer of ionized air that is manipulated electronically to absorb incident sound waves. The plasma layer’s mass-less nature enables sound absorption over a substantially wider range of frequencies than conventional active techniques, making it suitable for a diverse range of applications.

Expressing his enthusiasm, Mark Donaldson, CEO of Sonexos, stated, “We are tremendously excited about the immense potential of plasma technology in reducing noise and enhancing the acoustics of various interior environments, including vehicle and aircraft cabins, office spaces, and homes. As we lead the development and commercialization efforts, we are privileged to collaborate with the exceptional team of engineers at EPFL.”

Sonexos has licensed certain intellectual property associated with plasma-based active sound absorption from EPFL. The two organizations will jointly advance the development of this technology with the invaluable support of funding from the Swiss Innovation Agency.

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About us

Sonexos SA is a boutique, Swiss-based, international engineering consultancy providing expert strategic advice in the audio and sound domains to leading international brands operating in the consumer, automotive, mass transportation and industrial markets.

Our team of consultants have throughout their professional careers established a proven track record of strategic innovation in audio engineering, whether at the component or product level, as well as tangible success in the commercial exploitation of their solutions at scale.

At Sonexos, we offer customers access to a unique blend of professional consulting services that spans strategic planning and business development through to product innovation, supply chain management and intellectual property.

We also provide professional boards and investors with expert advice during their due diligence of prospective investee companies, where the nature and scope of our engagement can be tailored to suit.